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SNAP Online Certification Process
Thanks to a partnership with MarketLink and USDA, farmers are able to use GrownBy to process SNAP payments online. If a farm gains certification for SNAP Online through this program, EBT transaction fees through Worldpay will be free to farmers for ...
Getting started on GrownBy
GrownBy is a direct marketing software (on desktop and mobile app) that is owned by farmers, like you. Using it, you can sell products via an online shop or sell shares and manage CSA customers. If you would like to start off by scheduling a call or ...
Farmer Notifications in GrownBy
Farmers get email and push notifications from GrownBy to keep them up-to-date on important details about their accounts. Customers also get email and push notifications, which you can read about here. Account Set up Notifications: When you join ...
Adding a Share or Subscription
This article will provide detailed info on how to set up a Share in GrownBy. You can view this video with the section on adding shares starting at minute 3:42. What is a share? Shares are products that are sold on a subscription basis. A popular ...
Customer Notifications
Shoppers on GrownBy get notifications from the farms they buy from. Here's a list of the notifications that customers receive: Account set up Notifications: Welcome Email: When you join GrownBy or when a farmer Adds you as a customer to GrownBy ...